August 18 – Hawaii Admission Day
Friday August 18 – Hawaii Admission Day – Church Office Closed
August 12 – Tongan Young Adult Day
On Saturday 8/12 the Tongan Young Adults on the Big Island will gather together in Kona for fellowship and networking.
August 6 – Education Sunday
We celebrate the beginning of the new school year with Education Sunday. Blessings to all.
Sun. July 9 – Eun Sook Liebling Memorial
On Sun. July 9, we will memorialize Eun Sook Liebling who was a former menber of our church here in Hilo.
Tue. July 4 – The JUMP Youth Mission Trip
Tue. July 4 – The JUMP Youth begin their week-long Mission Trip to the Big Island. We will host them during their stay and they will be worshiping with us on Sunday July 9.
July 2 – Welcome Pastor Ana Hungalu
Sun. July 2 – Welcome Pastor Ana Hungalu from Guam. Today is her first Sunday with the Hilo UMC congregation following her former appointment at Guam UMC.
Sunday May 7 – White Sunday
Come join the celebration of White Sunday. The Youth and Young Adults will be leading us in worship at our combined 10:30 am service. The Tongan ministry will be hosting a luncheon after worship in the Social Hall.